Exceptional Keynote Speaker

Dawn’s keynotes focus on building up individuals and leaders in order to maximize the potential of your organization.

Dawn is ready to help take your event, conference, or meeting to the next level.

Dawn brings her passion of living an exceptional life at home and in the workplace to your team or group with relevant and dynamic keynotes. Through the sharing of her life and business experiences, Dawn offers attendees valuable lessons for making lasting positive change. She is raw, real, humorous, and honest about her journey. Above all, she passionately ensures that every audience member walks away with gratitude, understanding, and a desire to live more exceptionally.

Book Dawn to be your opening or closing keynote speaker and lead your group, your organization, or your company to great new heights.

Dawn’s Signature Keynotes

Get A Grip On Your Business

Participants in Dawn’s dynamic keynotes and intense, hands-on workshops will:

  • Understand the six keys to building a truly great organization
  • Roll up their sleeves and confront organizational issues head-on
  • Learn how to get everyone focused on achieving a clear company vision
  • Begin to instill discipline and accountability throughout the organization

Dawn introduces a complete set of simple concepts and practical tools being used by thousands of entrepreneurial leadership teams to clarify, simplify and achieve their vision – the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS)®.

Be Exceptional Keynote

In this signature keynote, Dawn captures the audience with her triumphant story of transforming her life from one of surviving to one of thriving. She takes the audience through an emotional lifeline where she learned some crucial lessons the hard way. The lessons she learned are the fruit of some painful roots. These lessons can change a person’s life. With some easy tactical changes, anyone’s life can improve in one day and he or she can begin a journey of exceptional living.

Strategic Habits for Exceptional Business Keynote

Dawn’s mission with this keynote address is to help prevent common struggles for small business owners. Dawn will walk you through the transformation in her business and life that allows her to earn more than she ever has and work less than most people. This presentation provides the tactical and strategic habits to create a business that is mature and scalable for growth.

There are three big ideas in this presentation. The first encourages you to assess your business and determine if you are making or are about to make any of the mistakes typically made in small business. The next teaches how to put the basic systems in place to create a business that gives you the lifestyle you deserve: your vision, mission, values, culture, strategic plan, processes, procedures, priorities, data, niche, goals, and action plan. You’ll also gain insight into assembling a great team. Lastly, Dawn inspires leaders to make the one major shift that changes the game: the mind set shift. Through her life and business experience she will help you identify what is most important and inspire you to live an exceptional life on purpose.

Sweet Ways to Engage Savory Customers

This presentation will walk you through some difficult scenarios that play out in relationships with clients. It will help you more effectively negotiate the conversations that may make or break the future of the relationship. Dawn will discuss some human personality differences that allow you to understand how you process conflict, communicate, and prioritize emotions and needs as well as how others around you do the same. When you understand your own strengths and weaknesses in these areas, you can maintain empathy and understanding for others strengths and weaknesses as well. The crazy thing is, when we realize we are different, we understand that maybe they aren’t “misbehaving.”

Closing the Gender Gap

We were not created identically and many times our ‘natural’ way of being brings out the worst in each other. We all are made up of Human Animal which is instinct and our “go to” behaviors based on the Cave Woman/Cave Man, Hunter/Gatherer needs to survive. We also have a conscious side, our Human Spirit. In this program, Dawn defines and describes all the Human-Animal behaviors to create understanding between the sexes. She will then give you many tips and tricks to allow you to make conscious choices that empower each other from a place of spirit. All the knowledge is based on a 35 year neuroscience and psychology study of gender relationships. This is an extremely fun and interactive session that will change your life forever. Ideal for managers, executives, salespeople, parents, coaches, educators and everyone who wants to bring the celebration of improved communication and relationships to daily life.

Build and Fortify Skills that Transcend Teams

This workshop was created to harness the power of The Five Behaviors® across the entire organization. The Five Behaviors® Personal Development solution teaches individuals to become better teammates by integrating Patrick Lencioni’s model at the organizational level. The goal is to completely redefine teamwork and collaboration. Personal Development was designed specifically to work for individuals; participants do not all need to be part of the same team. Rather, participants can carry the takeaways of this program from one team to the next, enabling a culture of teamwork. Learners at all levels of an organization can benefit from this program and adopt its powerful principles, shape behaviors, and create a common language that empowers people to rewrite what it means to work together.